
Newsletter No. 473 -
September 5, 2022 -
METHODS Integrative Structure Determination 

D. Krause, "X-rays help researchers piece together treasured cellular gateway for first time" (2022)

I. Echeverria, et al., "Integrative structure determination of histones H3 and H4 using genetic interactions" (2022)

S. Lansky, et al., "Integrative structure determination reveals functional global fexibility for an ultra-multimodular arabinasnase" (2022)

A Stsiapanava, et al.,
"Structure of the decoy module of human glycoprotein 2 and uromodulin and its interaction with bacterial adhesin FimH" (2022)

Copyright © NIH X-Ray Diffraction Group                       Maintained by Dr. Xinhua Ji
on the NIH-NCI-CCR-MCL server (http://mcl1.ncifcrf.gov)